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Chamber Orchestra

The Vienna Baroque Orchestra takes you on a journey to discover the famous music of Mozart, Vivaldi, Donizetti, Tschaikowski in a baroque concert at Palais Schonborn.

‚…cause we all enjoy listening to the great artists‘, said Wolfgang Aamadeus Mozart. With this in mind come and listen to first-class musicians interpreting the most splendid works of baroque classical music. Let the Vienna baroque Orchestra take you away on an unforgettable journey and discover the most important era of Austrian musical history.

Their daily baroque concerts in Vienna are performed in the Red Salon of Palais Schonborn.

  • September 2024

Vienna Baroque Orchestra - What to expect:

The concert:
The performance of the Vienna Baroque Orchestra has a duration of 1h and 45 minutes, including a break of 15 minutes. The program is a mixture of popular baroque classical music. For example “Spring” from the Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi, or the “Blue Danube Waltz” by Johann Strauss.

The venue:
Palais Schonborn-Batthyany was built in 1...699 according to the plans of Johann Fischer von Erlach. It is a baroque palace with partial rococo decoration in the inner city of Vienna.

Seating is free within the booked category.

There is no special dress code

Orchestra Size and cast of the Vienna Baroque Orchestra:
This chamber orchestra performs with 6 to 7 musicians and two opera singers, a tenor and a soprano.

Information for people with disabilities:
Registration mandatory - only limited seats available.


More about Palais Schonborn:

Although it is simply called Palais Schonborn by the Viennese, it is actually called Palais Schonborn-Batthyány.
The name can be traced back to the Croatian dignitary and field marshal Adam Graf Batthyány. He acquired the property in 1698 and from 1699 to 1706 today's palace was built according to plans by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach.

Around 1740 it became ...the property of Friedrich Karl von Schönborn. The interior of the building was redesigned and furnished with the furniture and paintings from the Schonborn Garden Palace in Alservorstadt, which also belonged to Schonborn. In 1801 all collections were transferred here from the Garden Palace. Among the paintings was among others "The Blinding of Samson" by Rembrandt. The valuable library contained around 18,000 volumes.

Unfortunately, the palace was badly damaged in the Second World War, but it was restored again by 1960. The Rococo decorations are still preserved in the representative rooms on the first floor. The facade is rich in figural decorations. The building is still owned by the Austrian Schönborn Line from Weyerburg and Göllersdorf.



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Vienna Baroque Orchestra
Vienna Barock Orchestra Musicians
Vienna Barock Orchestra
Musicians in the Red Salon of Palais Schonborn
Concerts at Palais Schonborn
Entrance at Palais Schonborn
Entrance at Palais Schonborn
Red Salon at Palais Schonborn
Red Salon at Palais Schonborn